Love advices

Guide to love letters

You love him/her but don't know how to say it. The minute you see your beloved, your tongue gets stuck. So what do you do? Simple, write a love letter. Sure, in the age of email and fax, writing love letters seems to be completely passé but trust us, the formula still works. Even if you are going steady but live away from your partner, a handwritten letter is sure the please the daylights out of her. Nothing can match the impact of well-written letter that genuinely expresses your feelings for your beloved. So here are some tips to write a letter full of romance and desire.

Be true. The letter will express your feelings. So if you don't feel strongly enough, your love letter won't ring true. So write only what you feel in your heart.

Use good paper. Don't pen your feelings on some cheap white notepad. Use some good quality handmade paper for a romantic effect.

Write with your hand. Printouts are for college projects. Yes, there is spell check on the computer but a small handwritten note has more impact than a long, long typewritten impersonal printout. If you don't trust your handwriting, ask a friend to write it down.

Picture makes perfect. If you have it, add a nice photograph of
you and your partner to the letter. It'll make the reader think of you fondly.

Spell check. Please prepare a rough draft of your letter before you make a fair copy. You might expect your partner to love you with all your flaws but don't expect him/her to digest your spelling mistakes.

Write from your heart. Do not use complicated or archaic words where simple words will do. Also avoid poetry, it can be romantic but it can also turn people off.

Don't be too familiar. If you know him/her for just a couple of weeks you might consider using, "Dear.." Or "Hey." You don't want to go overboard by saying "my dearest" or "only mine." The reader might think you are getting too close for comfort.

Try whacky. Have fun while writing your letter. Don't be too soppy and romantic. You can try a whacky or comic tone too. Your letter should have the power to bring a smile to your beloved's face. What do you know, s/he just might keep it for a lifetime.

Love, romance and relationship quotes for your soul

  • 'Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit.'
    ~ Peter Ustinov
  • 'Love is not weakness. It is strong. Only the sacrament of marriage can contain it.'
    ~ Boris Pasternak
  • 'What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.'
    ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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