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September 07, 2024 - 03:35 AM
lxbfYeaa din Argentina

September 07, 2024 - 03:34 AM
lxbfYeaa din Albania

September 07, 2024 - 03:34 AM
lxbfYeaa din Argentina

July 27, 2021 - 08:57 PM
CLARA BROWN din Romania

  Bună ziua, prieteni, aÈ›i auzit de DR AZEN SACRED TEMPLE?
Sunt Clara Brown, provin din SUA. Vreau să depun mărturie publică despre modul în care relația mea a fost restabilită de puterea doctorului Azen. După 5 luni de singurătate, fostul meu iubit a sunat după contactul meu cu dr. Azen cât de rău i-a fost pentru acțiunile sale, vrea să ne împăcăm, să ne căsătorim și să facem o familie bună. Acum suntem fericiți căsătoriți cu 2 copii. Toate mulțumesc doctorului Azen pentru asistența sa spirituală. De asemenea, îl puteți contacta astăzi prin dacă aveți o problemă similară sau orice soluție de care aveți nevoie, loc de muncă, divorț, promovare la locul de muncă, vindecare pentru tot felul de boli și boli, bani, bine noroc. Contactați-l și prin WhatsApp cu +2349056504221. Pun pariu că mărturia ta este garantată
March 10, 2014 - 12:15 PM
Bred din Bolivia

  Dragă Coca, nu știu dacă mai ești pe aici. Știu că m-am dat la fund când mi-ai zis că ești gravidă cu copilul meu. După calculele mele, acum ar trebui să aibă puțin peste 3 anișori. Nici măcar nu știu dacă este fetiță sau băiețel. Acum mă pregătesc să mă întorc în România, plin de bani, după ce am lucrat aici, în Bolivia, ca dulgher. Aș vrea să am grijă de voi doi... Sper să mă poți ierta, iubita mea scunpă și să formăm o familie adevărată în curând!
March 10, 2014 - 12:11 PM
Bred din Bolivia

  Dragă Coca, nu știu dacă mai ești pe aici. Știu că m-am dat la fund când mi-ai zis că ești gravidă cu copilul meu. După calculele mele, acum ar trebui să aibă puțin peste 3 anișori. Nici măcar nu știu dacă este fetiță sau băiețel. Acum mă pregătesc să mă întorc în România, plin de bani, după ce am lucrat aici, în Bolivia, ca dulgher. Aș vrea să am grijă de voi doi... Sper să mă poți ierta, iubita mea scunpă și să formăm o familie adevărată în curând!
Kyzz, Bred
April 14, 2012 - 07:55 PM
x din Romania
June 25, 2011 - 06:32 PM din Bulgaria

  Imi place enorm de mult Continutul !
Cu stima:
April 13, 2011 - 09:48 PM
Harald Singmann din Germania

  Please tell your Parliament TODAY that you don't agree with the mass euthanasia of Romanian stray dogs. This will make Romania's image in the World suffer even more and will have bad effects on the economy as well. To CATCH, CASTRATE/STERILISE the dogs and LET THEM FREE again is the most humane and effective solution. Thank you!
April 13, 2011 - 09:47 PM
Ilona Schulz din Germania

  Please, stopp the masskilling of straydogs!!!
April 11, 2011 - 06:48 PM
GERI din Romania
April 11, 2011 - 06:09 PM
Anima Dolor din Romania

  Please tell your Parliament TODAY that you don't agree with the mass euthanasia of Romanian stray dogs. This will make Romania's image in the World suffer even more and will have bad effects on the economy as well. To CATCH, CASTRATE/STERILISE the dogs and LET THEM FREE again is the most humane and effective solution. Thank you!
April 06, 2011 - 11:51 PM
Gabriela Schenett din Germania

  Please tell your Parliament TODAY that you don't agree with the mass euthanasia of Romanian stray dogs. This will make Romania's image in the World suffer even more and will have bad effects on the economy as well. To CATCH, CASTRATE/STERILISE the dogs and LET THEM FREE again is the most humane and effective solution. Thank you!
April 06, 2011 - 07:45 PM
Anne Bartholomaeus din Romania

  Romania is such a beautiful country. The treatment of its stray dogs is HORRIBLE though and you gain more and more an image of MONSTERS. How can anyone even think of MASSKILLING DOGS to make profit from it too? You are EUROPEANS now, so it's of global interest that you also apply international laws. Please tell your Parliament you don't agree with their plans TODAY!
April 05, 2011 - 10:56 PM
Ingried din Romania

  Please tell your Parliament TODAY that you don't agree with the mass euthanasia of Romanian stray dogs. This will make Romania's image in the World suffer even more and will have bad effects on the economy as well. To CATCH, CASTRATE/STERILISE the dogs and LET THEM FREE again is the most humane and effective solution. Thank you!
April 05, 2011 - 04:02 PM
Ursula Visconti din Austria

  your country may be beautiful, but as long as you treat stray dogs the way you do now, we will never visit this country!!!!
April 05, 2011 - 04:01 PM
Ursula Visconti din Austria

  Romania is such a beautiful country. The treatment of its stray dogs is HORRIBLE though and you gain more and more an image of MONSTERS. How can anyone even think of MASSKILLING DOGS to make profit from it too? You are EUROPEANS now, so it's of global interest that you also apply international laws. Please tell your Parliament you don't agree with their plans TODAY!
April 05, 2011 - 01:35 PM
Doris din Romania

  Romania is such a beautiful country. The treatment of its stray dogs is HORRIBLE though and you gain more and more an image of MONSTERS. How can anyone even think of MASSKILLING DOGS to make profit from it too? You are EUROPEANS now, so it's of global interest that you also apply international laws. Please tell your Parliament you don't agree with their plans TODAY!
April 05, 2011 - 11:50 AM
Gabi Dalia din Romania

  Dear Romanians, Please tell your Parliament TODAY that you don't agree with the mass euthanasia of Romanian stray dogs. This will make Romania's image in the World suffer even more and will have bad effects on the economy as well. To CATCH, CASTRATE/STERILISE the dogs and LET THEM FREE again is the most humane and effective solution. Thank you!
April 05, 2011 - 08:33 AM
Nicole Endres din Germania

  Please tell your Parliament TODAY that you don't agree with the mass euthanasia of Romanian stray dogs. This will make Romania's image in the World suffer even more and will have bad effects on the economy as well. To CATCH, CASTRATE/STERILISE the dogs and LET THEM FREE again is the most humane and effective solution. Thank you!
April 05, 2011 - 08:25 AM
Ursula Visconti din Austria

  STOPP masskilling of straydogs !! STOPP !!!!
April 05, 2011 - 12:09 AM
Brooke Beverley din Australia

  Please tell your Parliament TODAY that you don't agree with the mass euthanasia of Romanian stray dogs. This will make Romania's image in the World suffer even more and will have bad effects on the economy as well. To CATCH, CASTRATE/STERILISE the dogs and LET THEM FREE again is the most humane and effective solution. Thank you!
April 04, 2011 - 11:37 PM
Kristoffer din Danemarca

  Please tell your Parliament TODAY that you don't agree with the mass euthanasia of Romanian stray dogs. This will make Romania's image in the World suffer even more and will have bad effects on the economy as well. To CATCH, CASTRATE/STERILISE the dogs and LET THEM FREE again is the most humane and effective solution. Thank you!
April 04, 2011 - 06:05 PM
Sylvia Schwarzinger din Romania

  Please tell your Parliament TODAY that you don't agree with the mass euthanasia of Romanian stray dogs. This will make Romania's image in the World suffer even more and will have bad effects on the economy as well. To CATCH, CASTRATE/STERILISE the dogs and LET THEM FREE again is the most humane and effective solution. Thank you!

April 04, 2011 - 06:04 PM
Julie Frew din Romania

  Please tell your Parliament TODAY that you don't agree with the mass euthanasia of Romanian stray dogs. This will make Romania's image in the World suffer even more and will have bad effects on the economy as well. To CATCH, CASTRATE/STERILISE the dogs and LET THEM FREE again is the most humane and effective solution. Thank you!
April 04, 2011 - 05:20 PM
Anne Thompson din Australia

  Please tell your Parliament TODAY that you don't agree with the mass euthanasia of Romanian stray dogs. This will make Romania's image in the World suffer even more and will have bad effects on the economy as well. To CATCH, CASTRATE/STERILISE the dogs and LET THEM FREE again is the most humane and effective solution. Thank you!

April 04, 2011 - 05:13 PM
stella din Austria

  Romania is such a beautiful country. The treatment of its stray dogs is HORRIBLE though and you gain more and more an image of MONSTERS. How can anyone even think of MASSKILLING DOGS to make profit from it too? You are EUROPEANS now, so it's of global interest that you also apply international laws. Please tell your Parliament you don't agree with their plans TODAY!
April 04, 2011 - 04:58 PM
Franziska Eber din Germania

  Romania is such a beautiful country. The treatment of its stray dogs is horrible, though, and you are gaining more and more of a very negative image. How can anyone even think of masskilling dogs to make profit from it too? You are members of the European Union now, so it is of global interest that you also apply international laws. Please tell your Parliament you do not agree with their plans today!
The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.
April 04, 2011 - 03:24 PM
susanne din Austria

  your country may be beautiful, but as long as you treat stray dogs the way you do now, we will never visit this country!!!!
April 04, 2011 - 03:23 PM
Judith-Olga Falk din Germania

  - Romania is such a beautiful country. The treatment of its stray dogs is HORRIBLE though and you gain more and more an image of MONSTERS. How can anyone even think of MASSKILLING DOGS to make profit from it too? You are EUROPEANS now, so it's of global interest that you also apply international laws. Please tell your Parliament you don't agree with their plans TODAY!
April 04, 2011 - 02:56 PM
Claudia Rümelin/Germany din Romania

  Please tell your Parliament TODAY that you don't agree with the mass euthanasia of Romanian stray dogs. This will make Romania's image in the World suffer even more and will have bad effects on the economy as well. To CATCH, CASTRATE/STERILISE the dogs and LET THEM FREE again is the most humane and effective solution. Thank you!
April 04, 2011 - 02:52 PM
Patrik din Romania

  FIND ANOTHER HUMAN SOLUTION !!!!!! killing these stray dogs is no solution - it ist sick !!!!
April 04, 2011 - 02:51 PM
Jelka din Romania

  Romania is such a beautiful country. The treatment of its stray dogs is HORRIBLE though and you gain more and more an image of MONSTERS. How can anyone even think of MASSKILLING DOGS to make profit from it too? You are EUROPEANS now, so it's of global interest that you also apply international laws. Please tell your Parliament you don't agree with their plans TODAY!
April 04, 2011 - 02:50 PM
Martina din Germania

  I DON'T TRUST your national parliament that it will apply international laws that soon. You are a member of EUROPE now though. Please tell your parliament that you DON'T AGREE with the mass euthanasia of Romanian stray dogs. How they decide on it will have HUGE AFFECTS again on your country's image again, which already suffers from a very poor image indeed. Very bad for the Romanian economy... Thank you!
April 04, 2011 - 02:44 PM
Dee din Romania

  Please tell your Parliament TODAY that you don't agree with the mass euthanasia of Romanian stray dogs. This will make Romania's image in the World suffer even more and will have bad effects on the economy as well. To CATCH, CASTRATE/STERILISE the dogs and LET THEM FREE again is the most humane and effective solution. Thank you!
April 04, 2011 - 02:26 PM
karen lyons kalmenson din SUA

  romania, a nation with a long history
why you want to add this barbarity to it
is such a mystery
stray dogs are your fellow citizens, to
treat them as you wish other beings treat you
there is no reason for murder and pain
the entire world can see this blood stain
please apply methodologies such
as neutering and spay
before the respect of the compassionate
forever goes away
April 04, 2011 - 02:17 PM
kayelle din Romania

  Please tell your Parliament TODAY that you don't agree with the mass euthanasia of Romanian stray dogs. This will make Romania's image in the World suffer even more and will have bad effects on the economy as well. To CATCH, CASTRATE/STERILISE the dogs and LET THEM FREE again is the most humane and effective solution. Thank you!
March 27, 2011 - 08:15 PM
TT din Rusia

May 31, 2010 - 11:16 AM
Bred din Bolivia

  Coca, am citit mesajul tău cu voce tare, aşa că Gion a aflat că eşti o paraşută şi nu te mai doreşte. Dacă eşti însărcinată, nici eu nu te mai doresc. Din câte observi, m-am mutat în Bolivia, ca să nu mai poţi să dai cumva de mine. Ţi-ai dat singură foc la valiză, scumpo. Succesul cu copilul.
May 30, 2010 - 08:06 PM
Coca din Romania

  Draga Gion, faptul ca inca esti chior imi provoaca o satisfactie inimaginabila pentru ca sunt putin mai plinuta decat inainte, am 178 kg. Oricum, asta te va incanta, grasimea poate fi o sursa de divertisment. In rest... toate bune, tzuca-te-as pe gingii! Draga Bred, stiu ca tu-i citesti chiorului mesajul asta asa ca profit de ocazie pentru a-ti spune ca sunt insarcinata, e al tau! Aolo, sper ca n-ai citit asta cu voce tare si daca da, Gion, la ce te asteptai?! Esti ciung, chior si stirb, adio!
May 16, 2010 - 11:45 AM
Robert din Romania

  Fac schimb de bannere
April 18, 2010 - 02:19 AM
Elektra din Romania dorii si eu..daca de sigur este cineva interesat...bruneta,ochi verzi,1,82, 51 kg,sani f frumosi..picioare superbe...sunt bisexuala..deci accept si fetele si pup dulce.unde vreti voi..
April 18, 2010 - 02:15 AM
Elektra din Romania

  stati ca eu nu e coca asta de 140 kg wooow,kre sia omorat o adevarata gion asta care isi face jokul..
April 18, 2010 - 02:15 AM
Elektra din Romania

  stati ca eu nu e coca asta de 140 kg wooow,kre sia omorat o adevarata gion asta care isi face jokul..
January 26, 2010 - 03:06 PM
Gion din Romania

  Dragă Coca, vreau să ştiu dacă ai mai slăbit. Eu tot ciung, chior şi ştirb sunt. Ţi-am zis, ca să nu existe discuţii. Aştept răspuns de la tine! Te sărută cu pasiune, acelaşi Gion.
November 02, 2009 - 01:52 PM
ani din Israel

  vreu sa stiu de ce partenerul meu de viata m-a parasit dupa 20 de ani pentru o femeie cu 32 de ani mai tinara decit el. credeti ca aceasta a recurs la ceva necurat???
October 25, 2009 - 04:08 PM
euuuuuu din Romania

  Fain cei pe aici.interesante povestile voastre de iubire...e bn ca uni mai reusesc sa creada intrutotul in asa ceva :-)
September 04, 2009 - 07:42 PM
sabin din Romania

  Cutremurul nu este fantezie, oamenii ar trebui sa faca ceva, cine vrea, sa citeasca pe net de Quake-Catcher Network,si sa aleaga singur, oare vrem sa anticipam cutremurele fara sa facem nimic?
June 28, 2009 - 05:16 PM
Gion din Romania

  Dacă eşti grasă nu te mai vreau. Caută-mă când slăbeşti. Pusi!
June 28, 2009 - 05:15 PM
Coca din Romania

  Ma bucur ca ai mentionat asta ... Si eu m-am ingrasat putin, acum am in jur de 140 kilograme, dar e okay, afectiunea mea pentru tine e aceeasi. A, si mi-a cazut putin parul... Iar cel de pe picioare a crescut prea am mai avut bani de lame de ras. Oricum, hai... vorbim mai tarziu!
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